Friday, October 24, 2008

Love is being with someone

" Love is being with someone"

"Love is being with someone and

knowing that you could die tomorrow

and it would be OK."


Rakesh Kaushik said...

what a thought. n tell me how can u think this kind of thing?
this is marvleous yaar
keep it on?

Rakesh Kaushik

Birds Watching Group said...

nice quotation

Dr. Nazar Mahmood said...

दीपावली की हार्दिक शुबकामनाएं

बवाल said...

Yes I want to die tommorow but on whom this is a big question. Very beautiful thought Seemajee.

बवाल said...

Yes I want to die tommorow but on whom this is a big question. Very beautiful thought Seemajee.

राजीव थेपड़ा ( भूतनाथ ) said...

इस दीप पर्व पर आपके साथ समस्त देशवाशियों को पटाखों और फुलझरियों भरी शुभकामनाएं....हर विषय-वस्तु पर आप फोटुएं तो बेशक गजब की ढूंढ-ढूंढ कर लाते हो...इसके लिए आपको हम सब ब्लागरों का सलाम !!

BrijmohanShrivastava said...

मैंने देखा फूल हँसते थे
फूल सब झूल झूल हँसते थे
उनसे पूछा ख़बर है कल की भी
बात सब भूल भूल हँसते थे ]]त्रिलोचन शास्त्री ]

प्रमोद said...

Happy Diwali, Prakash parv diwali par meri hardik subhechhaen.

आत्महंता आस्था said...

Happy dipawali, Deep evam prakash ke parv par aapke liye meri hardik shubhkamnaen, diwali ka ye prakash aapke jivan ko roshni hi roshani pradan kare.

david santos said...

Really beautiful! Fantastic posting! Excellent pictures and pretty colores. Congratulations!!!
Have a nice day.

अनुपम अग्रवाल said...

love is;
why 24hours more to borrow
why not now why tomorrow

Mukesh Garg said...

bahut acche,