Thursday, January 14, 2010

"A passionate perfume"

"Love is begining , the middle and the end of evertything"

"love is thunder & lightning"


Prabhakar Pandey said...

सुंदर। अति सुंदर।

प्रेम को परिभाषित नहीं किया जा सकता केवल महसूस किया जा सकता है।

neelima garg said...

Beautiful post.LOVE has different meaning to different people...

Anonymous said...

in which no one stands
they drops

रवि धवन said...

The true Definition of love.Great words.

Randhir Singh Suman said...


Razi Shahab said...

nice thougth

दिलीप कवठेकर said...

Thunder & Lighting - ये बिजली है, जिस पर गिरे वह तबाह ही हुआ समझो.

Akhilesh pal blog said...

tasveer me gajab kaa jeevant hai